Zarina Zabrisky
9 min readAug 6, 2019


14, 88, AND MORE

Trump’s campaign text number. From Google and YouTube.

On August 4, 2019, after at least 31 people were killed in mass shootings in the US over the weekend, Trump ordered all flags to be flown at half-mast through August 8, 2019. Former Assistant Director for Counter Intelligence, FBI, Frank Figgliuzi explained on MSNBC that the fact that the US flags would be raised at on 8/8 is disturbing.

  • 88 is a coded message “Heil Hitler” recognized by white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

Figgliuzi expressed concern about Trump’s choice of speechwriters and failure to screen public statements for possible manipulations.

  • However, Trump has a long history of using these coded messages in his speeches. Below are some examples.


Until recently, the neo-Nazis had to hide their views not just due to the global outrage at the atrocities of the fascist and Nazi regimes such as Hitler in Germany, Mussolini in Italy, Arrow Cross in Hungary but also because in many countries such insignia and symbolism are illegal. To identify each other and communicate, neo-Nazis and white supremacists have developed a secret coded language, using numbers, words, and gestures to identify each other. The majority of the population worldwide is not familiar with this language and does not recognize signals and signs hidden in social media posts, speeches and official statements of the Trump administration. These signals are called “dog-whistles.”


88: ‘H’ is the eighth letter of the English alphabet. 88 reads ‘HH’, an abbreviation for ‘Heil Hitler.’” The Anti Defamation League calls 88 “one of the most common white supremacist symbols, [that] is used throughout the entire white supremacist movement, not just neo-Nazis.”

88 hand gestures and images. From ADL site.

14 WORDS: A mantra: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” According to the New York Times, “the saying was created by David Lane, a white supremacist sentenced to 190 years in prison in connection with the 1984 murder of the Jewish radio host Alan Berg.”

The ‘14 words’ is frequently used with the number 88 in combinations like 1488, 14–88, etc.


AP News.
  • Recently, in 2019, Trump tweeted the racist attack on the congresswomen July 14.


A family and personal history of Trump’s sympathy for the Nazi, fascist, Klan and white supremacy movements and ideology has been reported but is often overlooked.

* In the 1990s, Trump’s cousin who worked for the Trump Organization was reported by Ivana Trump to click his heels and say, “Heil Hitler” on entering Donald Trump’s office.

From The Vanity Fair.


  • Steve Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News, made it the “platform for alt-right,” served as a senior advisor to Trump, and returned to Breitbart in August 2017. Bannon also hired Milo Yiannopoulos as a Breitbart News contributor. Below is a screenshot of Yiannopoulos’ post in which he uses 14.88 to intimidate a journalist of Jewish descent.
Alt-right figure Milo Yiannopoulos tried on Saturday, June 23, to troll a Jewish journalist using 14–88.
Left: Richard Spencer making a white power sign. From the Internet. Right: Richard Spencer throwing a Nazi salute in 2016.
Left: Stephen Miller at the White House. Right: A man, accused of killing 50 people in a mosque in New Zealand, made hand gestures associated with white supremacy during his appearance in the court.

During the election campaign, Trump signed an arm of “Tim” Gionet, aka “Baked Alaska,” an open neo-Nazi, at a rally. Gionet, one of the organizers of the Unite the Right Rally at Charlottesville, retweeted videos of his friends saying that Hitler did nothing wrong, as well as images of people in gas chambers. Gionet has also twitted the “Fourteen Words,” a neo-Nazi mantra. (see above.)

Antonio Foreman, a member of the Oath Keepers, a far-right militia group, and Gionet’s bodyguard, received a personally signed gift from Trump after he got wounded during a confrontation with Armenian gang members in LA.

Left: Trump and Gionet. A photo from Internet archives. Right: Gionet’s tweet of Foreman receiving a gift from Trump as Foreman making a white power sign.
Left: Sebastian Gorka and Milo Yiannopoulos. Right: Milo Yiannopoulos with Richard Spencer and other white supremacists doing a Nazi Salute to America the Beautiful song. Yiannopoulos and his group were all dressed alike, outfitted in the pastels and crew-cuts that can often be seen at alt-right gatherings. After Spencer and their companions started to give Nazi salutes, “Perry [the bartender] says she lost it and rushed the stage, grabbing the microphone from Yiannopoulos just as the song, and video clip, ended. “I said ‘Get the fuck out. You are not welcome here, at all,’” Perry says. “I was yelling at them, and, I remember this distinctly, they all came around me on the stage and were yelling things. Some were shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump,’ at that point it started to hit me who these people were, and then they started saying ‘Make America Great Again.’ Then I had people get in my face, it might have been Milo because he didn’t immediately go outside, he was kind of getting them aroused, and they were saying ‘Make America White Again.’” As reported by Dallas Observer.Watch video here. Right: Gionet with Yiannopoulos, who is making the white supremacy hand sign.


  • In June 2018, Melania Trump wore a jacket that said “I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?” to visit immigrant children in June. The slogan is a direct translation of the motto of Italian Black-shirts, ‘Me ne frego,’ the title of one of the most famous songs of the Fascist era. Its original version, dating around 1920, hails D’Annunzio and Mussolini as the fathers of the fascist movement. Mussolini made the slogan his own, writes Giovanni Tiso here.
Left: Melania Trump dressed as a French Nazi archaeologist outfit, Dr. Rene Belloq in Indiana Jones’ “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” Center: A woman dressed as Sturmbannführer Arnold Ernst Toht, a right-hand man of Dr. Rene Bellog, at a rally in SF and Berkeley. Right: a flag of Kekistan that is a replica of a Nazi flag.

This list can go on. See some details here.


In August 2017, after the wake of the white-supremacist rally and counterprotest in Charlottesville, Katharine Gorka, a wife of Sebastian Gorka, was instrumental in defunding counter-terrorism groups: withdrawing $400,000 grant from Life After Hate, a group that works on deradicalization of extremists, including white supremacists and neo-Nazis, and $393,800 grant form the Muslim Public Affairs Council, a community group working on fighting terrorism. Sebastian Gorka dismissed concerns about white nationals during an appearance on the “Breitbart News Daily” radio show.

It is critically important to recognize that Trump’s administration takes an active part in the latest domestic terrorist attacks.

Read more about Russian cyberwar and propaganda here, Russian government and oligarchs ties with Trump here, about Berkeley protest here. Recommended article on neo-Nazis and their Russian tieshere.

*All facts and photos are in public domain and available through Google. Links to the original sources are included, with the exception of the neo-Nazi propaganda.

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Zarina Zabrisky

Zarina Zabrisky is the author of IRON and CUTE TOMBSTONE, EXPLOSION, a poetry book GREEN LIONS, and a novel WE, MONSTERS. More at